Formerly known as the Niu Nan Pond, the lake was used to regulate the water flow of the Liugongjun irrigation canal. In 1972 the University instituted a series of extensive renovations, including the construction of an arched bridge and a mid-lake pavilion that divided the lake into one large body of water and two smaller ones. Starting in 1973 the NTU Graduation Student Association began to refer to the lake as “Drunken Moon” when it first organized a rowing competition, and the name persisted to this day. In 2011 the lake was renovated and restructured as an eco-friendly lakeshore. In 2017, a scenic area along Liugongjun’s old canal on the south side was added, and it has become an attraction for the local community. This area, being far removed from the main artery of Royal Palm Blvd., represents a very different but invigorating side of the NTU campus with the much more modern high-rise buildings in its surroundings, such as the Astronomy-Mathematics Building, New Physics Dept. building, Chemistry Dept. (Ji Xue) building, Chee-Chun Leung Cosmology Hall, and the green Boya Lecture Building. |