![Art editor Img](001/Upload/1240/ckfile/cefc61fe-7f1a-4f69-953f-2f8266d11d95.jpg) ![Art editor Img](001/Upload/1240/ckfile/90944397-b34b-41f5-8e89-71910ba10436.png) |
The verdant farm acts as a shield against the noise and chaos of Keelung Road and the traffic of its overpass, affording the urban campus a little peace and quiet within a bustling metropolis. Before the Taihoku Imperial University was founded, the farm had been designated by the Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan for the purposes of conducting agricultural experiments. It remains one of the field experimental sites of the College of Bioresources and Agriculture today. The farm offers agricultural experience courses during regular semesters for students from other colleges. Certain areas of the farm are also open to the general public as a venue for conducting environmental education classes, including guided tours and DIY activities. Schools at all levels and citizens’groups are also encouraged to participate.